

How to Quickly Extract Pictures From An Excel File

1. Open your Excel file, click 文件 tab, choose 另存为, in the Save As window, click the drop-down menu labeled 另存为类型:, scroll down and choose 网页(* .htm; *。html), Click 保存

Save as Web Page File

When a web page is saved in a computer two files are actually generated. One is the html file, and another is a folder that contains all the images and other component files that are a part of the web page. For example, an Excel file named Products.xls saved as a web page will generate Products.htm和一个标签的文件夹Products_files。如果Products.xls contained images, these images will now be in the Products.xls_files folder. Now, open Products.xls_files folder, you will sell all the pictures.

All images in Web Page File
2. Change the Excel file extension (only available with .XLSX) as a RAR file, For example, change Products.xlsxProducts.rar, extract the Products.rar file, you will see 3 folders (_rels, docProps and xl) and 1 xml file ([Content_Types].xml), open XL folder, open 媒体 folder, you will sell all the images in the 媒体夹。

All images in media folder
